Forging your own plan

How to create a plan you'll stick to

If you’re not yet following a specific plan dedicated to a specific goal you’re missing out on a lot of meaning in life.

Our brains produce dopamine when we progress towards a goal, and that is ANY goal.

So in order to experience the feeling of meaning/purpose, which is induced by the molecule dopamine, we need to pursue things. (obviously)

I’ve been the kind of guy who constantly created self-improvement, and business plans but didn’t stick to them.

I think I started doing this when I was like 15 or 16 or something. Never sticking with a plan for longer than basically two weeks.

It killed my confidence, and brought me nowhere really.

But the past few months have been different.

The power of a plan, especially a 12 month plan, is huge.

I knew that if I could come up with a bullet-proof plan, and simply execute for 12 months, I could win, and get closer to my ideal life.

So I’ve searched for ways to create the best possible self-improvement, and business plan.

Watched dozens of videos, and read some books on the topic.

One book that stood out was “Choose Your Enemies Wisely” by Patrick Bet-David. I highly recommend it if you want to start a business. It’s essentially a book on how to create a business plan the right way. With respect not only to the business itself but especially also to you, the founder.

All this seeking led me through shit tons of writing. Writing will save you I promise.

In essence it allowed me to create a long-term vision for my business, and my life in general. In extension I realized that I could use those texts that I had written to forge a 1 year plan that would allow me to hit my first business milestone of $10k/month, bring my body to its most supreme state yet, and get me educated like mad.

The $10k/month thing is still in process haha, so stay with me in this newsletter if you want to see me hit that number.

But I digress.

To win in life you need to define winning, and then create plan to make it a reality.

Nothing good is built in a day. Give it 12 months at least.

So let’s get into it.

Before I get into the writing exercise that will allow you to forge your own 1 year plan to make losing impossible, and success very very likely, I have a recommendation for you:

Take a brutal 1 week abstinence from drugs, social media, Netflix, video games, and porn. Obviously do what you want but if you actually take a week off you’ll have a much clearer mind entering the following writing exercise, and as a result will forge a better plan. The quality of the forging process determines whether you stick with the plan or not.

The writing exercise:

Step 1:

Set a timer for 30 minutes. Open a doc on your phone or your laptop, and write down the following sentence:

“The most important thing in life is…..”

Now start the timer, and don’t stop writing until the alarm rings. No editing. No stopping to think. A continuous flow of consciousness from your mind into words. No shame needed, it’s just you. Just write 100% honestly.

Step 2

Now look at the text, and turn your conclusion about what is most important in life into one sentence, a one liner.

“The most important thing in life is the most important thing in life!”

Step 3

Open a new doc, and write down whatever todays date is but replace 2024 with 2025.

Make this the header.

Now make a list of the things that need to happen so that you get closer to that most important thing.

The sub-goals/milestones that will guaranteed lead to manifesting the most important thing.

Step 4

Now take each sub-goal, and write down which problems you need to solve to achieve this goal.

What is preventing you from achieving those goals?

Step 5

Take each problem, and find solutions to each problem.

This can be something that you have to do, but also something that you have to stop doing.

Step 6

Synthesize each to-do, and each not-to-do into a list.

Figure out which of these things overlap, and potentially fuse them together into one action.

Determine a daily, bare-minimum. Sticking to a plan for 1 year is hard. Consistency compounds, and is king. So better to stick to reading for 10min every day for a year, then quitting reading 2h every day after one week.

Step 7

Make the decision.

Make the descion to stick to the plan for 1 year.

If you actually followed the instructions you are now faced with a plan that is literally the most important thing.

Following this plan, and living your life in the most positive way possible are one and the same thing.

I think it's fair to claim that, given you followed the instructions, you have no excuse not to stick to this for the next year.

I hope you found this useful, and join me on a 1 year transformation towards the best possible life.

See you next Saturday.
