Business vs Passion

Why you shouldn't care too much about passion.

Whatever career you’re currently in or getting into, chances are very high that it’s not your passion.

If it is your passion, I’m genuinely happy for you. Go all in.

This letter is for people who don’t know what their passion is, and want to build a business—make lots of CASH.

By the end of this, I hope to have convinced you why you shouldn’t care about your passion, and why that is the proper way of seeking it.

So first, let’s look at what business is to investigate how passion would fit into it.

What is business?

“all a company is is a group of people that have gathered together to create a product or service.” - Elon Musk (richest man alive)

So what’s a product or service?

Well, the answer is straightforward:

Something of value that consumers/businesses are willing to pay money for.

But “value” is just a construct, an illusion in customers' minds. It’s not something tangible, something real.

Value is nothing but a perception.

You would’ve never bought any product or service if it didn’t make the impression of being valuable. No one buys a product or service that has no utility for nothing.

In the end, you’ve spent time to earn your money.

So what does “value” stand for?

Value = Pain Elimination.

Every single product or service in the market solves a problem that causes pain.

I don’t want to give examples because it’s so obvious. Just look at the products you can see around you. All of them solve a problem that causes pain.

The only reason they were purchased was because of pain.

So what is business?

Business is a group of people (or just yourself) gathering up to eliminate the pains of society.

Every business that doesn’t exist to eliminate the pains of human beings, is a scam.

Now let’s look at what passion is.

What is passion?

Passion is an activity that you enjoy doing.

It is fun and meaningful to you.

When doing something you are passionate about you feel as if you’re in the right place at the right time.

Doing something with passion is probably one of the most rewarding activities in your entire life.

Perhaps you think that you have to find your passion because that’s your calling. What you are meant to do. The reason for your existence.

There’s no reason not to seek such a thing.

Why a business you’re passionate about is supreme

You have realized that work is painful and stressful, and seek work that is fun and meaningful.

Since business (also being an employee in a business) means eliminating the pains of other people, it’s somehow logical that the physics of economic transaction demands the value provider to go through the pain that’s being eliminated.

If you have a landscaping business for example, you’re being paid to do the painful work your customer doesn’t want to do.

Given that all business ventures are painful and all work stressful, the question is really about which one is additionally fun and meaningful.

The pain of doing business or of work will not be absent anywhere.

That’s why work which is additionally fun and filled with purpose (your passion) is supreme.

Pain hasn’t faded, but joy has entered.

It therefore makes a lot of sense to seek work you are passionate about.


Why you can’t find your passion by thinking

If you’re intelligent you will have realized that thinking about a thing and doing a thing are not the same.

You might have lots of ideas about what your passion might be.

But before you have made the experiment, you simply can’t know.

So now, please forget the concept of passion in terms of your business.

Obviously, if you already have done some stuff you know you like doing, include those into your business ideas and pick something that relates to those activities.

If you already know some of your principles and beliefs, by all means, include those as well. Make your business as meaningful as possible.

But please don’t make the mistake of thinking about something that might be your passion, and building your business around that.

Chances are high that it’s not your passion but just your weakness trying to make you launch a business that seems to be comfortable and fun.

Why you should focus on building a useful online business with 3-5h of work a day instead

Instead of starting a business from the perspective of what is fun, start a business from the perspective of what is useful.

Useful means solving problems that cause pain.

Online is the present and the future.

No other domain in the market has as many business opportunities as the Internet, and the opportunities will only grow.

When building something on the internet you can use robots as your employees, which increases your earning potential per time by A LOT.

With 3-5h of focused work in the morning you can build a million-dollar business, working from anywhere in the world. There are many examples of this.

If people are running $100m/year businesses with 10h of work a day, do you really think that you can’t run a $100k/year business with 3h of extremely focused work?

You certainly can.

When you work 3-5h a day on a business that is useful to humanity, 3 things happen:

  • you experience meaning because you’re having a positive impact

  • you make money with your laptop and your phone (location freedom)

  • you can spend the rest of the day experimenting to find your passion

Once you’ve found your passion and have been able to build a lucrative business around it, you can drop your current business and go all in.

Don’t make the mistake of going into a business to have fun.

You’ll not make any money and it will be painful and stressful anyway.

Rather build something useful.

Who knows, maybe your passion is pain elimination…

If you’ve read this far, you’re going to make it.

But only if you pick a business and stick to building it for the next few years. I’ve made this mistake way too often.

No quitting anymore.

Pure product distribution.

See you next Saturday.
